Friday, October 7, 2011

The reason I joined Blogger

A couple of days ago, I receive a message from a very nice lady,

October 5 2011 3:32pm EDT
I am shopping around Etsy, looking for rural artists, or artists with a rural spirit. I was hoping you would be interested in a new concept I have on the burner. Read: Beginnings, Vision, and Why Join. I love your work and would love to collaborate. Let me know if you are interested.
Kind Regards, Kasse D.

I took a look at her blog and just loved her ideas! If you are a women living in a rural area starting a new business. Please stop by her blog and check out Beginning, Vision, and why join...then become a member.

I didn't realize how important blogs are to businesses but I am so very blessed that Kasse contacted me. She has already been a true inspiration to me in a matter of a
few days!

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